Quality and reliability at affordable price.

We do not oversell, we provide TWO servers for each service so that actual uptime is nearly 100% !
Please see the independent uptime information below, how many hosting provider shows this ?

This server is located in: - NAMEc SERVER

Points to consider before you buy a hosting provider and plan.

Unlimited Web-Hosting 8xGB FTP web space
  • $1.50 / month or $14/year subscription.

  • You need to have your own domain for this.

  • cancel any time you want;

  • > 99% uptime in each server, at least one server up is >99.99%.

  • Not for re-selling domains, can sell sub-domains.

  • Unlimited e-mail, html pages, images, etc. provided they do not contradict TOS.

  Buy Web-Hosting

  • $1.00 / month,

  • use this as a backup disk, off-shore, off-site backup of your files.

  • TWO servers so your file is available almost 100% of the time - it is your responsibility to synch i.e. upload to two servers the same files.

  • multiple of 8GB available (e.g. 16gb,24gb,32gb..)

  Buy 8GB FTP web-space

Free domain with Web-Hosting Run your own server over DSL/Cable connection
  • $14 first year !! and $14/year subscription.

  • Includes a domain of your choice in YOUR name

  • One year contract and cancel any time after that;

  • > 99% uptime in each server, at least one server up is >99.99%.

  • Not for re-selling domains, can sell sub-domains.

  • Unlimited e-mail, html pages, images, etc. provided they do not contradict TOS.

  Buy Domain + Web-Hosting

  • $25 one time purchase that includes TWO disks containing softwares and instructions.

  • You can even resell space on your server !

  • Once setup, everything is FREE except your internet connection

  • It is recommended that port 80, 25 are open - check with your provider

  • If you want to use our dynamic name server, $1.00 / month. We provide our own custom scripts to run this; 





Server uptime/maintenance notice: 
Main server is now in HostGator. 2nd server in Chicago. Washington server removed- Aug 21 2010.
Planning to add HostGator. Also doing some stress-tests on this website, to check uptime. May 28,2009. Our tests are almost complete - our DDNS works perfect now with our own scripts ! June 27,2009

Click for statisticswebsite uptime ||server monitor

DigitalCityHost(2008-2009; Web-Presence with host since 2003; Our first website on Angelfire in 1998)

Server status:



Servers: Our Server Locations:


Texas Server-1:      Speed Test Visit site
Chicago Server-2:               Speed Test  Visit  site
Webmin Server-3:           Speed Test(lowest speed) Visit site
Tip: you can ping each of the servers above, and will see different ip address for them. Visit this site to see. Run "ipconfig /flushdns" from command line in windows XP,Vista,07. -NAMEc SERVER

Last accessed on: (m-d-y)12-22-24 Last modified on: 08-23-10